Meditate to Live Longer
The Power of Freedom in Healthy Aging
How do we make ample Time and Space for our Daily Meditation Practice?
It’s an important question to ask because meditation requires a great deal of focus, awareness, and discipline. So many of us think we don’t have time for regular practice. We don’t know where in our busy schedules meditation fits in. Regardless of any obstacles, if we want to increase our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health as we age, meditation is the keystone habit we ought to adopt.
Making Meditation a Daily Habit
Let’s take a look at simple ways we can make time and space so that our meditation practice becomes just as habitual as brushing our teeth. Most of us lead busy lives. Jobs and families require enormous amounts of our time and energy. Then there’s the household chores and shopping, not to mention social commitments and all those hours dedicated to sleep.
Where does Meditation fit in?
One of the secrets to growing older is to maintain a steady routine of daily rituals that feed and nourish your soul. Take a moment to consciously consider at what time and for how long meditation will be steady and pleasurable for you. If ten minutes every day when you wake up is doable, then that’s your meditation time. Consciously carve out the time of day that you know will work for you.
Create your Meditation Space
Here’s another ritual that will keep you meditating well into your golden years. It has to do with having your physical mediation space set up in advance. If you have only ten minutes to meditate, you don’t want to have to take time to set up a meditation shop, so to speak. Carve out space where you already have your cushion or special chair, and perhaps some matches and a candle. You want to be able to sit down, light your candle, and get started. If sitting cross-legged is uncomfortable, feel free to lie down or place yoga bolsters beneath your knees for support. There’s no need to make a big production out of it, but you do want to have the space prepped in advance so that all you have to do is go, sit, and meditate, with no time wasted. Setting up a dedicated space in advance will help you shift into meditation mode easily.
The Key to Happiness
One of the key secrets of growing older is to do pleasurable activities that are healthy for your body and mind, with meditation being one of them. Can you creatively take the time to make your meditation pleasurable? Perhaps choose a cushion you love. Create a space you love. Buy a lovely candle or two, a vase of fresh flowers, or fragrant essential oil. Take a shopping spree solely for your meditation practice. These elements will help create a space that feels uniquely pleasurable for you.
Mindful together - Sometimes, meditating in a group can boost motivation and keep you accountable. Sharing the practice creates connection, support, and consistency.
Meditating with others
Your spiritual practice will naturally deepen as you grow older, and one of the secrets to supporting this practice is to make it enjoyable! Whether it’s going to a group meditation practice or setting one up in your own home, sharing the practice with others at the same time each week will help you continue your regular practice. Sometimes group involvement is necessary for us to be accountable.
How Long should you Meditate?
If five minutes is as long as is comfortable for your body and mind, then that’s the time you need. If it’s for twenty minutes in the morning as you lie in bed after waking, then that’s fine too. There aren’t any rules when it comes to meditation. For as long as you’re going to enjoy your practice is the right amount of time. It’s all up to you.
The Power of Freedom in Healthy Aging
This sense of
freedom is another secret of healthy aging.
Do your practice on your terms, not
anyone else’s. In this way, it becomes
uniquely yours, and this element of
freedom will inevitably spill over into other
areas of your life. This is the time to be free
and joyful. Have fun with your meditation
practice and make it one of the most
important aspects of your healthy aging