Yoga for pain relief

Woman performing forward bend during yoga session

Yoga asanas and meditation reduce pain in those suffering from several conditions, including carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, rheumatoid disorders, back pain, headaches, and fibromyalgia.

Yoga alleviates pain by improving flexibility, strength, and balance.

Let us take a look at each of the above conditions to find out why yoga is one of the best natural forms of pain relief around.

Yoga for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The first scientific study showed yoga to successfully treat carpal tunnel syndrome in 1988 in the Journal of the American Medical Association. It has been widely accepted since then that yoga treats CTS as well as pain associated with it. Because carpal tunnel syndrome is not just a problem of the wrists but also of the neck and shoulders, yoga poses that encourage proper posture are especially helpful. There are many wrist exercises such as prayer pose (pranamasana) and reversed prayer pose (paschima namaskarasana), and alternating flexion and extension of the wrists, which help reduce pain.

Yoga for Fibromyalgia

In 1999 a study at the Pain Center at Texas Tech University found that gentle yoga poses and meditation reduced pain associated with fibromyalgia while improving patients’ ability to cope with it. In regards to osteoarthritic conditions, yoga helps prevent or minimize cartilage breaking down that causes osteoarthritis joint pain. It also helps expand the range of motion while decreasing pain within joints that have already undergone damage. Because misalignment is a significant cause of arthritic conditions, yoga poses that focus on proper alignment can significantly benefit. 


The Cobra Pose, or Bhujangasana, is a foundational yoga asana that enhances flexibility and strengthens the spine.

Yoga for Back Pain

Yoga reduces back pain while encouraging stress release, proper posture, letting go of tightness in the muscles, and strengthening muscles. Yoga helps increase the flexibility of the spine, which also helps. Back pain sufferers can benefit by practicing yoga poses such as cat/cow (Marjaryasana-bitilasana), cobra pose (Bhujangasana), along with various hip stretches, triangle pose (Trikonasana), child’s pose (Balasana), and relaxation pose (Savasana).

Yoga for Headaches

Yoga comes to the rescue when headaches occur because stress is a significant factor in tension headaches and migraines. Yoga teaches us to relax the neck muscles while slowing down in our lives to be aware of other possible causes of chronic headaches. Breathing exercises and restorative poses are especially helpful in relieving pain associated with headaches.

Yoga for Rheumatology

A study published in the British Journal of Rheumatology found that a three-month program of gentle yoga postures and pranayama resulted in improved grip strength in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Yoga has also been known to relieve pain in those suffering from heart conditions, cancer, and HIV/AIDS. Gentle movements enhance relaxation and blood flow. Mindfulness reduces stress, improving well-being.

Regular practice helps with chronic pain, tension headaches, and lower back issues, fostering a healthier lifestyle.

As yoga continues to be accepted in the medical community, we will find more and more evidence that yoga is one of the best pain “medications” on the market.

Jenny Jean

With over two decades of experience in the fitness and health industry, Jenny Jean is dedicated to providing valuable insights on wellness, nutrition, and exercise. As a writer, she loves helping people stay informed with useful health tips and enjoys learning and sharing new workouts to keep fitness fun and effective.


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